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Raising of the Red, Black and Green Flag

Tammy Gibson

Tuesday, February 4, 2020, was a historical day. The Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago "MWRD" raised the African American flag outside the building.

MWRD Employees, Dignitaries and the public attended a morning of remarks, breakfast and refreshments. Dr. Conrad Worrill read the Red Black and Green poem and the history of the flag.

This Flag of Mine

By: Amy Jacques Garvey

December 31, 1895 - July 25, 1973

Regardless of what is told of it, Here's to this flag of mine The Red, Black and Green Hopes in its future bright Africa has seen. Here's to the Red of it, Great nations shall know of it In time to come. Red blood shall flow of it, Historians shall write of it, Great flag of mine. Here's to the Black of it Four hundred millions back of it, Whose destiny depends on it The RED, BLACK and GREEN of it, Oh, Flag of Mine. Here's to the Green of it Young men shall dream of it, Face shot and shells of it Waving so high. Here's to the whole of it Colors grought and pole of it Pleased is my soul with it Regardless of what is told of it, Thanks God for giving it Great Flag of Mine.

The flag was adopted at the First International Convention of the Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA) led by Marcus Garvey in New York.

Red for the Blood that was shed by African people

Black for the people of African descent

Green represents the continent of Africa

The raising on the flag was the first in Illinois. This is long overdue. To celebrate Black History Month there should be flags at city hall and other state of federal buildings to recognize the contributions of African Americans.

The MWRD will have the following events to celebrate Black History Month 2020 at the MWRD Board Room from Noon - 2pm.

February 11 | Honoring State African American Elected Leaders

February 18 | A Celebration of the First African MWRD Department Heads

February 25 | Presenting Kathryn Harris as Harriet Tubman

Happy Black History Month!!!!!!!



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